Biosafety Cabinet Level II (Model No: HV-1201-A)
Biosafety Cabinet Level II
- Worktable made of SS sheet and is fitted with UV Germicidal Light, Static Pressure Manometer, Exhaust System suitable for 6 feet duct and Virus Burn Out Unit.
- Side panels are made of thick transparent Plexi glass duly framed. Unit is fitted with pre-filter and HEPA Filter.
- The blower and motor assembly has statically and dynamically balanced Motor of FHP capacity.
- The working area is illuminated by fluorescent lights fitted to the unit.
- Air is sucked through the pre-filter and the excess air is thrown out from the top, through a HEPA filter of size 1'x 1' x 6”. Working Size - 4’ x 2’ x 2’
Product Internal Code: 8536