DEW POINT APPARATUS (Psycrhometer) (Model No. EDF0061)
Technical Parameters: -
1. Humidity Range: 0~100%RH
2. Temperature Range: –30~100°C ( -22°F~199°F,)
3. Dew point Temperature: (-30 ~100 °C/-22 ~199 °F)
4. Wet Bulb Temperature: (0 ~80 °C/32-176°F)
5. Humidity Accuracy: + 2%RH (at 25°C, 20%~80% RH). + 2.5%RH (at other ranges)
6. Air Temperature Accuracy: + 0.5°C/+ 0.9°F (at 25°C) + 0.8°C/+ 1.5°F (all other ranges)
7. Resolution: 0.01% RH, 0.01°C/0.01°F.
8. Response Time: %RH:10S (90% at +25 °C still air)
9. Battery Type: 9v Battery NEDA 1604, IEC 6F22
10.Operating Temperature: 32°F to 104 of (0 oC to 40oC); < 80% RH
11. Storage Temperature: 14°F to 140 of (-10 oC to 60oC); <80% RH
12. Backlight and Max Hold, Auto Power off (Disable sleep mode) and Data Hold Function
Internal code: KD9316.240925