PCR Machine (Model No. EDF0096)
PCR Machine: -
PCR Thermal Cycler (TOUCH SCREEN) Gradient Thermal Cycler (96x0.2ml) with adjustable pressure hot lid to 3,20,000 prevent volatilizing and dewing. Having long service life Peltier. Ramping rate 5°C/s and cycle times >1000, 000.Android system, 5" large colour touch screen, gradient function, wifi module built-in, big storage capacity & support USB device, Time increment -1 secs to 600 secs, temperature increment 0.1 to 10.0°C. The unique left-right design for amplification area and operating area. Temp. display accuracy ± 0.1 °C, Gradient temp. setting range 30-99 °C, Perform 20000 times non-breakdown operation. Block capacity 96 x 0.2 ml Temp range 4°C-105°C, Max heating rate c 2.5°C/s. Max Cooling rate < 2.5°C/s. Temperature display accuracy 0.1 °C, Max Cycle Nos. 100.
Internal code:- KD.9098.240702