Bilirubinometer (Model No: HV-100C)
- The machine will measure total serum bilirubin transcutaneous in new born.
- The instrument will be suitable for noninvasive bilirubin measurement of neonates with gestational age 27-42 weeks and minimum 20 days post-natal age (0-20 days) and body weight between 950 grams to 4000 grams)
- It will provide reading for a bilirubin range of 0-20 mg /dl (0 micro mol/L to 340 micro mol /L or wider range)
- Will have a rechargeable battery, AC adapter (220-240 V) and charger unit /cradle (if any) for charging will be provided
- Results must be reported in TCB Graphics and normogram and discharge summary which can be given to patients
- Light source will be LED based. Equipment must be based on non invasive LED
- Transmission spectroscopy technology to reduce motion artifacts
- Light source will have a life of 1,50,000 measurements or higher
- Light source checker will be built into the charger base .
- Calibration between each patient will not be required. But there will be option for calibration check when desired
- Will be handheld measuring unit including battery.
- Accuracy will be within +/- 1.5 mg/dl ( +/-25.5 micromol/L ) or better.
- Display will show bilirubin in mg/dl units with at least 1 decimal point (resolution 0.1 mg/dl or lower)
- Power off/on switch and reset button will be present
Product Internal Code: 8604