Advanced Biofeedback System (Model No. HV-BS-701)
Advanced Biofeedback System (Digital Biofeedback System)
- EEG (Alpha)
- Respiration
- Temperature
- Pulse
- ECG & HRV (Optional)
- Continuous graphical display of all parameters Simultaneous and Singular
- Visual feedback through Digital Display and color bargraph
- Audio feedback through Head Phone or Speakers
- Facility to play Audio of your choice for relaxation
- Facility to play visual of your choice on the monitor screen for relaxation
- Storage of Patient data for review
- Plotting of graph depicting patient's progress for every parameter
- User definable event marker
- Facility for Video & Audio recording (optional)
Technical Specifications:
Number Of Channels : 6A/D Conversion : 14-bit A/D
Sampling Rate : 256Hz
Sensitivity : 1 to 1500 μV/mm
Low Pass Filter : 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1,3,5,7 Hz
High Pass Filter : 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 2, 10, 15, 35, 70, 99Hz.
Sweep Speed : 15, 30, 60,100 mm/sec
Notch Filter : 50HZ
Input lmpendence : > 10M ohm
CMRR : > 80-85db
Power : 220V AC/ 12V, 2.2AH
Battery Backup : Approx. 3 Hrs.
EEG (Alpha): Through silver -silver chloride electrodes.
EMG: Through silver-silver chloride Electrodes
GSR: Two silver - silver chloride Electrode.
Pulse: Through infrared sensor.
Respiration : Through chest belt.
Temperature: Through surface temperature probe.
Minimum Computer Configuration
OS: Windows XP Pro/Windows7 Professional 32 bit,
Processor : Core2Duo or higher,
RAM: 2GB or higher, 4 0 GB harddisk or higher, CD/DVD Optical Drive, Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 or higher
Transducers & Accessories:
Component : 1 no.
Respiration Bell : 1 no.
Pulse Transducer : 1 no.
Temperature Sensor : 1 no.
GSR Electrode : 1 set
EEG electrode : 1 set
EMG disc electrodes : 1 set
EEG paste : 1 jar.
Fuse : 2 nos.
Earthing cord : 1 no.
User manual : 1 no.
Conductive Jelly : 1 tube