Fumigator cum Humidifier (Model No. HV-212)
Based on Rotating Disc - Splash Plate Principal. Unit produces only super fine particles
of micron size. Due to the upward thurst imparted to the micron sized water droplets,
by high speed motorized unit, they remain suspended in the atmosphere for longer
duration of time. Unit is capable of a atomizing upto 3 litres of water in an hour at full
evaporation in the driest possible ambient conditions. Unit has body made up of
stainless steel. Unit is effective for an enclosed space of volume upto 40 cu. mtrs.
Provided with high speed 2800 RPM, motor to run longer period, and the blades are
aerodynamically balanced to ensure dropless fumigation. To work on 220 / 230 volts
A.C. supply.
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